Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide program (ACCESS)

ACCESS is a step in the right direction for Alabama schools. Alabama is a very poor state when it comes to education. The answer to this problem is ACCESS. ACCESS will offer advanced diploma courses, additional courses that alot of schools do not offer, advanced placement and dual enrollment courses, remediation courses, and help upgrade existing courses.
ACCESS will help teachers evolve education into the new technology era through the classroom. There will be technology provided to the teacher for a new way of teaching, which will open up new possibilities for the classroom. This program will provide schools with more teachers and introduce something called distance learning. Distance learning is where instructors and students can be in two different places at two different times and communicate through technology like the internet and multimedia.
ACCESS sounds like a very good idea, and the answer to alot of existing problems in Alabama public high schools. This program was designed to add technology to the classroom and open many doors to learning. By adding this program students who are in low income schools will get the same education and opportunities as a top private school. Now all of these schools will have classes they never thought they had the funding to offer, students will be better prepared for college, many can do dual enrollment and already have college credits when they graduate. ACCESS seems like it is a step in the right direction for Alabama public schools. I will probably never use ACCESS because i am going to be a kindergarten teacher, but nonetheless, my students who i teach will grow up and one day get to use ACCESS, which will better prepare them for their future.

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