Monday, November 24, 2008

ACCESS lab visit

My trip to the ACCESS lab was very interesting. I went to Davidson High School to do my research. I was a bit nervous there because when i walked in the door the assistant Principal had a wand out looking for a weapon that he thought the student had, but the student didn't have anything on him. So after that i went to the ACCESS lab which is run by Mrs. Wright. I went in while they had a class going on in there so Mrs. Wright told me what they did in the ACCESS lab and i sat with the class, which was all optional to each student kind of like an advanced course. Mrs. Wright thought that this was a great program that they started and would be beneficial to each high school in the future. I didn't get any time on the computer, but i watched some students in their class, but there was one problem. Someone had turned the heater on in the classroom the night before and it was 90 degrees in there, which is why i have that awful face in my picture, because it was too hot to stand. So i observed the class for a few minutes after i was told what they do and then i left because it was too hot to stay in there. The lab was operational, but not completely. Mrs. Wright just went and got her certification and so they are just starting and i don't think they are doing everything yet, but they are on their way and doing some stuff in the class.

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